Introduction to CCIC/ISO 9712 Certification Scheme


CCIC offers the NDT personnel certification for the following methods and levels.

  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
  • Radiographic Testing (RT)
  • Magnetic Testing (RT)
  • Penetrant Testing (PT)
  • Visual Testing (VT)
  • Eddy Current Testing (ET)


Level 2

⦁ An individual certified to Level 2 has demonstrated competence to perform NDT according to NDT procedures or NDT instructions. Within the scope of the competence defined on the certificate, Level 2 personnel may be authorized by the employer to:

   ⦁ select the NDT technique for the testing method to be used;

   ⦁ define the limitations of application of the testing method;

   ⦁ translate NDT codes, standards, specifications, and procedures into NDT instructions adapted to the actual working conditions;

   ⦁ set up and verify equipment settings;

   ⦁ perform and supervise tests;

   ⦁ interpret and evaluate results according to applicable standards, codes, specifications or procedures;

   ⦁ carry out and supervise all tasks at or below Level 2;

  ⦁ provide guidance for personnel at or below Level 2;

   ⦁ report the results of NDT.

Level 3

⦁ An individual certified to Level 3 has demonstrated competence to perform and direct NDT operations for which they are certified. Level 3 personnel have demonstrated:

  ⦁ the competence to evaluate and interpret results in terms of existing standards, codes, and specifications;

  ⦁ sufficient practical knowledge of applicable materials, fabrication, process, and product technology to select NDT methods, establish NDT techniques, and assist in establishing acceptance criteria where none are otherwise available;

  ⦁ a general familiarity with other NDT methods.

⦁ Within the scope of the competence specified on the certificate, Level 3 personnel may be authorized to:

 ⦁ establish, review for editorial and technical correctness, and validate NDT instructions and procedures;

  ⦁ interpret standards, codes, specifications, and procedures;

  ⦁ designate the particular test methods, procedures, and NDT instructions to be used;

  ⦁ carry out and supervise all tasks at all levels;

  ⦁ provide guidance and mentoring for NDT personnel at all levels.


The certification candidates shall provide documented evidence of successful completion of trainings recognized by CCIC which covers the relevant part of the published syllabus in ISO/TR 25107, covering the methods and level sought for certification.

The minimum duration of training undertaken by the candidate for certification is detailed in clause 6.2 and Annex F of CCIC NDT Personnel Certification Scheme and summarized as below.

Method / Sector Level 1 / Day Level 2 / Day Level 3 / Day
UT 8 10
PAUT : +10 days
TOFD : +10 days
RT 5 10 5
MT 3 2 4
PT 3 2 3
VT 3 2 3
ET 5 6 6

NOTE:One day duration is at least seven hours, which can be achieved on a single day or by accumulating hours. For RT, training days does not include radiation safety training


The certification candidates shall fulfil the following minimum requirements for NDT working experience prior to certification. Detailed information refers to clause 6.3 of CCIC NDT Personnel Certification Scheme.

NDT method Experiences in days
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
with level 1 direct acces higher education, with Level 2 with Level 2 direct access with higher education
AT, ET, LT, RT, UT 45 135 180 270 450 540
MT, PT, VT 15 45 60 180 240 360
Note: One day duration is at least seven hours, which can be achieved on a single day or by accumulating hours. The maximum allowable hours in any one day is 12 hours. Experience in days is achieved by dividing the total accumulated hours by 7.


The certification candidate should submit proof of satisfactory vision test conducted within the 12 months before application. The requirements of vision are detailed in clause 6.4 of CCIC NDT Personnel Certification Scheme. The requirements are outlined as follows:

    Near vision acuity
    Prior to certification, and annually thereafter, near vision acuity shall be verified to be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 18490 or shall permit reading a minimum of Jaeger number 1 or Times Roman N4.5 or equivalent letters at not less than 30 cm with one or both eyes, either corrected or uncorrected.
    Color vision
  • Prior to certification, recertification or renewal, the candidate/certificate holder shall demonstrate that a color vision test has been administered within the previous 5 calendar years.
  • It is required that color vision and/or grey scale perception be sufficient for the individual to be able to distinguish and differentiate between the colors or shades of grey used in the NDT methods/techniques concerned as specified by the employer.
  • The color vision test shall either confirm that the individual has acceptable color vision without restriction or shall state any limitation(s) on color perception.
  • Where any limitation in color perception exists, the employer shall confirm whether or not this condition results in any limitation(s) to method or application specific techniques.
    • NOTE: The Ishihara 24 plate test is an example of a suitable color vision test.


    The applicant for certification shall pass the qualification examinations conducted by CCIC according to the level, methods and sectors sought for certification. For the detailed examination requirements, please refer to Clause 7 of CCIC NDT Personnel Certification Program.

    All examiners and invigilators are directly contracted by CCIC, and have signed the commitment of impartiality and confidentiality, and shall not have any potential conflicts of interest with the candidates.


    When the certification candidate passes the qualification examinations and provides complete application materials, CCIC will verify whether the candidate meets all the certification requirements. Once the conformity with certification requirements is confirmed, CCIC will grant the candidate certification, issue certificate, and publish verifiable certification information on its website, including searchable name, certification level, methods and sectors, as well as validity period.

    Code of conduct

    The certified non-destructive testing personnel or applicants for certification in accordance with ISO 9712 by China Certification & Inspection Corporation Canada Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CCIC") must fully understand that integrity and professional skills are the fundamental principles of non-destructive testing. Therefore, the applicant or certified NDT personnel must:

    comply with this code of conduct and requirements of ISO 9712 Certification Scheme of CCIC.

    • maintain high levels of integrity, honesty, skill and proficiency in the conducting of NDT;
    • undertake only those non-destructive testing assignments for which they are competent by virtue of their training, qualification and experience;
    • only sign documents for work of which they have personal professional knowledge and/or direct supervisory control;
    • Perform the testing in a responsible manner and utilize fair and equitable business practices in dealing with colleagues, clients and associates, and abide by the principle of confidentiality.
    • perform all NDTs to the best of the ability at all times and to resist any outside pressures that they consider may have the potential to affect the integrity, honesty, quality or outcome of any testing
    • performed. Any such undue pressures should be reported to the employer and CCIC;
    • engage, or advise the engagement of, such specialists as are required to enable assignments to be properly completed;
    • at all times, be aware of and uphold the requirements of regulations, codes and standards under which they are working;
    • perform their professional duties with proper regard for the physical environment and the safety, health and well-being of the public
    • report immediately to their supervisor or employer any perceived violation(s) of codes, regulations or standards. In the event that their supervisor or employer provides no satisfactory explanation or takes no corrective action, the certified individual shall report the situation direct to the CCIC;
    • avoid conflicts of interest with the employer or client, but when unavoidable, forthwith disclose the circumstances to the employer or client;
    • strive to maintain their proficiency by updating their technical knowledge as required to properly practice NDT in the certified methods and levels; 
    • indicate to the employer or client any adverse consequences which may result from an overruling of their technical judgment by a non-technical authority;
    • not falsify nor permit misrepresentation of their own or their associate’s academic or professional qualifications, training, experience or work responsibilities;
    • refrain from making unjustified statements or from performing unethical acts which would discredit the Certification scheme of CCIC.;
    • report immediately to CCIC any perceived violation(s) of this code of conduct;
    • report immediately to CCIC any attempt to pressurize or force an individual certified under the Scheme to violate this code of conduct;
    • inform their employer and discontinue all claims to certification in the event that the certification is suspended, canceled or withdrawn CCIC.
    • Inform CCIC in a timely manner when the capability of meeting the certification requirements is adversely impacted;
    • not attempt to cheat on certification examinations, attempt to bribe, threaten, or harass CCIC staff or representatives, falsify documents, falsely claim, misrepresent or permit misrepresentation or misuse of their own or their associate’s academic or professional qualifications, knowledge, training, experience, work responsibilities or certifications;
    • not discuss or disclose the contents of theoretical and practical examinations who has participated to ensure the impartiality of examinations.
    • inform CCIC and the employer promptly when the certification requirements are not met.
    • shall undergo an annual test of visual acuity and submit the results of tests to the employer
    • Failure to comply with the above code of conduct will be dealt with under arrangements for handling complaints and appeals.