

CCIC加拿大公司成立于2004年,是CCIC(中国检验认证集团)的海外子公司之一,专业从事认证、检验、鉴定和测试活动。总部位于温哥华,在多伦多、蒙特利尔、卡尔加里和哈利法克斯设有检验部,服务覆盖加拿大大部分地区和北美其它地区。 通过多年的实践,加拿大CCIC建立了一支由专业且经验丰富的检查员组成的团队。与大多数国际知名检验机构都有良好的合作关系。 CCIC加拿大颁发的证书已被中国所有港口广泛接受,这简化了通关程序,为客户节省了时间和成本。 CCIC加拿大公司获得CNAS认可(注册号CNAS IB0074),符合ISO / IEC 17020:2012国际检验机构能力准则;加拿大焊接局(CWB)检验机构认证;谷物和饲料贸易协会(GAFTA)认证;并通过多年的实践建立了一支经验丰富的专家团队,与国际知名检验机构建立了合作关系。CCIC加拿大已成为国际客户在质量,安全,健康和环境保护领域的综合一站式服务提供商。

Reliable and Trustable

ISO 9712 Certification Scheme

The ISO 9712 CERTIFICATION SCHEME is NDT personnel certification programme according to EN ISO9712 which covers proficiency in the following NDT methods:

Eddy Current Testing

ECT  is one of many electromagnetic testing methods used in NDT making use of electromagnetic induction to detect surface and sub-surface flaws in conductive materials.

 Magnetic Testing

Magnetic particle Inspection (MPI) is a NDT process for detecting surface and shallow subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys.

Penetrant Testing

Liquid penetrate inspection or penetrant testing , is a widely applied and low-cost inspection method used to check surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials

Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Testing (RT) is a NDT method which uses either x-rays or gamma rays to examine the internal structure of manufactured components identifying any flaws or defects.

Ultrasonic Testing

UT is a Non-destructive testing method that utilizes sound waves to detect cracks and defects in parts and materials. It can also be used to determine a material’s thickness.

 Visual Testing 

VT, is the oldest, and most commonly used NDT method. Used alone or in conjunction with other test methods, qualified VT is a reliable and highly cost effective tool for quality control.

Impartiality Policy

Impartiality is one of the cornerstones of Certification, and is of utmost importance in maintaining the trust that stakeholders should expect from certification. 

The Impartiality Committee is established to ensure that all the risks to the impartiality of certification process have been identified and appropriate measures implemented to mitigate any such identified risks.